Student housing
Wageningen University & Research has a large community of international students. We understand that it is very hard to look for your own place in a different country. That's why we have gathered information about how to find a room in Wageningen as a way for you to start your search.
Idealis & ROOM.nl
Idealis (the main student housing cooperation in Wageningen) will offer their rooms via ROOM.nl. As a prospective student at Wageningen University & Research you can register and apply for rooms via ROOM.nl. Please register at Room.nl as soon as possible, registration costs are €35. After registration, you can start to respond to the available housing offers on the website.
During certain periods a year (July/ August and January/ February), it is possible for a student to receive priority when responding to housing on Room.nl This priority is based on a number of things, for example you must be admitted as a BSc or MSc student, the distance between your home address and campus must be over 130 km and you must also have paid your tuition fees. If you meet all requirements, the priority will show on your Room.nl account during this specific period. For more information, please see the Idealis website.
Note: it is very important that you pay your tuition fee at Wageningen University on time!
Only after you paid your tuition fee, you can apply for a room with priority (based on your home address) during this period. So please arrange the payment of the tuition fee as soon as possible and start your search for a room. Note that it can take some time before a room is offered to you.
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The available rooms of DUWO and Socius are advertised via ROOM.nl as well.
It is possible to respond to a furnished or unfurnished room. An unfurnished room does not come with any furniture, so you have to buy a bed, mattress, table or desk, chair(s), and kitchen supplies. Used furniture is offered for sale on the Facebook page ‘Wageningen Student Plaza’, on marktplaats.nl, or at second hand shops in Wageningen.
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Tips to find a room in Wageningen
You can also try to find a room on the private market. You are advised to look for a room in the surrounding villages of Wageningen, such as Bennekom, Ede, Renkum, Heelsum, Rhenen, and so on.
Stay with a host or guest family
Hospi Housing is the biggest platform for homestay in the Netherlands. They offer a free-to-use platform with hundreds of verified hosts and guest families. Hospi Housing does not charge any registration fees, you only pay a one-time fee if you find a room. Before and during your stay they provide personal advice to get you well prepared for your arrival in Wageningen.
Staying with a host or guest family will give you a soft landing in town and is the perfect way to get in touch with Dutch culture and language. You’ll have your own private room and shared facilities like a kitchen and bathroom. Get more information and sign up at:https://hospihousing.com.
Check the list below for the different housing organisations
- Duivendaal
- Hospihousing
- Kamernet.nl
- Short Stay Wageningen
- Wageningen Room Sublets
- Wageningen Student Plaza
- Socius
Note: If you are a parent and you would like to obtain information about your adult (16+) son's or daughter's housing status, please understand that we are not allowed to give this personal information.