
BC@WUR: What's next for 2024?

February 6, 2024
In 2024 the ambition is to embed BC in the genes of the education ecosystem and have teachers make boundary crossing specific and tangible in their courses. Students need to start feeling the boundaries instead of just talking about them. All WUR teachers can build this into their own courses. Actually, the BC core team should make themselves expandable.
Arnold Bregt, Dean of Education & Project Leader for BC@WUR

'Connecting’ is key to the BC@WUR ambitions for 2024. Previous project stages focused on making the abstract boundary crossing concept tangible by developing learning materials and curricular learning trajectories. It’s now time to connect to other WUR initiatives and embed boundary crossing in the vessels of the WUR educational ecosystem. For example, think about the WUR-wide Bachelor skills project. Many skills (e.g. collaboration; dealing with diversity; personal leadership) touch upon boundary crossing competencies. Moreover, many existing BSc and MSc program courses provide opportunities to embed boundary crossing activities in a relatively easy way. It’s often just a matter of explicating the presence and use of demarcations between practices, rather than a substantial re-design of a course. Knowledge about the context of a course, the 'boundaries' this context provides and the teaching activities used to explicate boundary learning are key here, and thus teachers. By supporting teachers with (small) course modifications, the BC core team attempts to make itself expendable during 2024.

Some specific activities of the boundary crossing action plan for 2024:

  • Supporting teachers in their course (re)design and innovations;
  • Developing guidelines for assessing boundary crossing competence development;
  • Embed the BC teacher training in the (S)UTQ;
  • Organising BC inspiration meetings in which successful and ‘easy’ BC learning activities will be shared;
  • Elaborating the BC toolbox;
  • Connect to activities of the Society Based Education office; the BSc skills project; Challenge Based Education and the authors of the new WUR Vision on Education;
  • Formulate thesis- and ACT topics to further explore BC in education and connect to students’ research;
  • Disseminate and connect to in- and outside WUR activities via the BC website and BC newsletter, Teachers Day, Education Design Festival, (inter)national conferences on inter- and transdisciplinary and intercultural learning.

We are looking forward to connecting with YOU!

Let’s have a chat on how boundary crossing competence development could be implemented in your course or your line of work.

For more information, please contact us at