
Shorter Student Challenges coming soon

September 29, 2023

The Wageningen Student Challenges easily take up half a year of students’ time. The challenges are of a considerable scale and open to teams from all over the world. Because this amount of time is too much for some students, two shorter challenges will be developed. The first is to start in the spring.

The challenges started five years ago. The teams, mostly made up of students from different disciplines, tackle multidisciplinary assignments such as designing an urban greenhouse, developing urban greenhouse or transforming waste streams into products that have value.

The student challenges are popular among students: 97 per cent of the participants from Wageningen valued them (immensely), according to the 2021 Alumni Survey. But participating is quite a commitment. ‘A Student Challenge easily takes half a year’, says Marta Eggers of the Student Challenges team. ‘Some students enjoy fully immersing themselves in it, but it may present too much of a commitment for others. Hence, we will organise two shorter challenges or hackathons so that this latter group can also get involved in student challenges.’